Did I mention???

Did I mention that I have a fabulous student teacher this year?  Well, if I haven't yet I am now because let me tell you she is great!  She knows all about the common core and is extremely thoughtful about all of her instruction.  This week she has been teaching all the reading and writing activities.  Here is a little peek at what our class has been doing.

On Monday, we did a little apple exploration using our 5 senses.  "My" was our focus word for the day so the students "buttered" the word on their paper as they used their senses to explore.

At the end of the day, we had to taste some apples to finish our 5 senses exploration.  We made a chart of our favorite apple.

On Tuesday, Ms. Frisbie introduced labeling.  She started by having the students sing the song "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" while doing the motions.  Then she had the students label her head, shoulder, knee, and toe.  (The idea of labeling the teacher originally came from Julie Lee)

Then she cut an apple and taught the students about all the different parts of an apple.  She made this chart.

The students then labeled their own apple paper, but I totally forgot to take a picture of that.  On Wednesday, the students created apple glyphs.  I think they turned out great.  :)

Today, Ms. Frisbie read the story "The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree" by Gail Gibbons.  She taught the students all about the seasons of an apple tree.  She created these large apple tree season posters.  Then the students created their own apple tree seasons on the worksheet.  These turned out great and my students kept talking about them all day long.  I call that success!!

She also taught the students this super cute song that goes to the tune of BINGO!

As the students were filling out their planners at the end of the day and writing the word "tree", they all started singing this cute little song.

I have working on updating my All About Apples Math & Literacy Activities unit.  Once I am finished, the unit will contain some of these great ideas.  :)

How are you teaching about apples this year?

Fall Math Centers

I can't believe that last Tuesday it was so hot that we had an early release day.  This Tuesday definitely feels like fall.  I had to wear a sweatshirt to my son's soccer practice tonight.  I am not going to complain though because fall is probably my favorite season.....football, warm apple cider, leaves changing colors.  I just love it!

This week we are focusing on the season of fall.  We started with our first schema chart.  The kiddos were a little off topic, but that's o.k.  (I really don't know what frogs had to do with fall, but we wrote it down anyways.....at least he was thinking!)

We started implementing Word Work into our literacy centers.  My little kinder babies did a great job with this new literacy center.

You can download this for free in TpT store by clicking on the image above.

I introduced one of the favorite math centers this week too....measurement with non-standard units.  This week it of course has a fall theme.  They did a great job!  It was definitely a proud mama moment.

I am very slowly introducing math centers, much the same as I am doing literacy centers.  The only difference is that students are "exploring" with different math manipulatives while I am working with one group at a time introducing the new center.  Most of the math centers I use throughout the year are the same just with different numbers or concepts.  This way it is easy for the students to get right to work on the center.

Here are some of my little sweeties exploring with their math manipulatives.  I love walking around and listening to what they are doing and saying.

If you are interested in my Fall Math Centers, click on the link below.

I will give away the math centers to one lucky follower.  All you have to do is follow my blog and TpT store.  Comment below with your email address.  If you "like" my Facebook page, you can earn an extra entry.  Post a separate comment with your email address for liking my fb page.  I will choose a winner Wednesday night before I head to bed.  :)

Congrats goes to Carrie H.  Thanks to all who entered!  Carrie, I will be emailing you shortly!  :)

Good luck and have a great week!!

Poem of the Week

Happy Saturday!  It has a busy one in the Pauley household.   I wanted to share our poem this week with all of you.

I have always used poetry in my classroom, but this year I am going to try to have one focus poem a week.  This was our first big "theme" for the year....NAMES!  We had a special poem for our first poem of the year.  (It is to the tune of "Are you Sleeping?")

We introduced our first "popcorn" words this week...I and a.  We read our poem/song a few times and then together found our popcorn word.  We talked a lot about what made each of us special and then the students each got a copy to put in their poetry journals.

They had to butter the popcorn words and illustrate their poem.  They did a great job.  Take a look.

She drew a picture of herself jumping rope.  LOVE!

This little pumpkin is picking a flower in her picture.  :)

Disclaimer:  I said the words "I" and "we", but really my student teacher taught this whole lesson.  :)  She is fabulous and did a wonderful job!

I have decided to have at least one focus poem a week.  We will probably read it each morning during calendar time, but I haven't decided 100% for sure yet.  

Would you like a copy of this poem for your students to use in their poetry journals?  Click on the image below to grab a free copy.  

I am off to relax because as I said it has been an extremely busy day and this momma is exhausted.  Have a great weekend!


Common Core Implementation

Today our students had only a half-day of school.  For the second part of the day, all of the teachers had a workshop all about common core.  Our district is just starting to implement common core this year.

Everyone was split first by grade level and then by either ELA or Math.  Luckily, I was put in the ELA group.  :)  This made me very happy because I am working on my master's degree in reading.  Right now, our district doesn't have any guidelines for this year as far as what is expected in our classroom in regards to common core, but that will be coming soon.

For the most part, I felt that I already cover the ELA standards in my classroom as did most of the teachers in my group.  We felt as though we now just need to view our teaching differently.  We need to look at the big picture with the end of year expectations in mind.  I think it made us breathe a sigh of relief because implementation won't as hard as we thought it would.

This whole day got me thinking......where is your district in the implementation of common core?  Last year, I researched common core and starting implementing the standards in my classroom because I knew that it was coming.  What is your district or school doing?  I would love to hear!


Want a Peek at My Week?

I am linking up with the fabulous Deedee from Mrs. Wills Kindergarten for the Peek at My Week Linky.  This is my first time linking up.  :)

Without further ado, here is the peek at my week:

You can click on the images above to take a closer look.  At this moment, I am still finishing up my Alphabet Crash game and All About me book.  Those items will be posted to Teachers Pay Teachers later today!!  (Alphabet Crash will be a freebie :)  So be on the lookout.

Our theme for the week is names, but on Monday we have to finish up our color unit. (We had heat days)  We are going to have a "Student of the Day" each day until everyone has had a turn.  I will be posting more about the "Student of the Day" later this week.

As you can tell, I am SLOWLY introducing literacy centers right now.  We learned all about "Read to Self" last week and now we are building our stamina.  This week I am introducing "Word Work" with a fun simple game "Alphabet Crash".  

On Wednesday, we have a half day of school.  The second half of the day is teacher professional development.  It is going to be all about Common Core.  Our district is implementing Common Core this year (some teacher already started implementing last year on their own....like me :).  We will find out our district's "plan" for CCSS implementation on Wednesday.  I am looking forward to that.  

I am off to watch my son's soccer game then do some printing, laminating, and cutting.  Have a great week everyone!


Cutest Thing

I just had to share with you all some things that happened in my classroom today because they were so cute.

This morning while my student teacher was teaching her lesson one little boy raised his hand.  She called on him (thinking he was going to say a word that started with J) and he responded, "Every day at school just keeps getting better!"  And then another little boy just shouted out, "Yeah, he's right.  It does."  If that doesn't just melt my heart!  I love it!

A little later in the morning we were working on my friend Elizabeth's color word work unit.  One of my little friends really struggles socially and she has a hard time cutting.  I was at their table helping a different friend who has a broken arm (of course it is the dominant hand).  The little girl who struggles said, "Look, I did it!"
The boy who sits next to her (not the one I am helping) said, "You did do it, and look you didn't cut any of the letters."  He then pats her on her back real gentle and adds, "I'm so proud of you."

Oh my goodness!  I just couldn't handle all that sweetness.  He was too much!

Don't you just love moments like that?  What special moments have you had in your class lately?  I would love to hear.

I'm Baaaaack!

As I thought might happen, I have been a little M.I.A. from the blogging world lately.  I have been crazy busy, but for plenty of good reasons.  :)

First of all, my husband and I were out of town to celebrate our best friends' wedding.  Yep, you read that right my bestie married my hubby's bestie!  We have known him for years and once they started dating, she and I became instant bestie's.  I have to share just a couple of pictures.  (If you follow me on instagram, you have already seen these gems!)

It was a BEAUTIFUL wedding!

Reception Shenanigans!

Photo Booth Fun!

Our lovely friends also surprised us by playing our wedding song for us at their reception.  They made us go out on the dance floor and dance since we celebrated our ten year anniversary.  Of course, I was tearing up because of their sweet gesture.  It was amazing!

(Side note:  Emily (the bride) is super crafty and extremely talented.  She is getting ready to start an etsy shop soon.  We plan on having a giveaway once she is up and running so be on the lookout!)

Would like to hear about what has been happening in my classroom?  Well last week it was a whole lot of not much because we were just trying to stay cool.  It was between 95 - 105 in my classroom every day last week.  Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we got out two hours early for the heat.  My poor students could barely function in that heat.  They cancelled school on Thursday and Friday.  It really threw off the week as well as this week.  Basically we have just been trying to get back on track.

One thing we did accomplish today (that was supposed to happen last week) was create an anchor chart about how to color a three star paper.  Take a peek.

Last, but not least, make sure you a fan of my facebook page.  I will posting something extra special tonight.  You can become a fan here.  :)


Happy Labor Day!

I had every intention of posting about my weekend and linking up with the September Currently tonight, but exhaustion has set in and I have a very long day tomorrow.  Instead I decided to just post to let you all know that I am still alive and kicking and I can't wait to share with you about my weekend, but it will probably have to wait until tomorrow or Wednesday.  :)

Hope you all had a great day off of school.  It's four day week......we can do it!!!