Five for Friday

I am linking up again for one of my favorite linky parties....Five for Friday.

{1}  This was our last full week of school.  We only have one day left which is Tuesday.  I am excited to get to spend some quality time with my own kiddos during the summer, but I am sure going to miss my little kinder babies.  They have grown so much and I am so proud of each and every one of them.

{2}  My class went to the zoo for our field trip.  I shared some pictures in {this} post, but here is a video I took of the lion.  We headed to the back of the zoo first and my group and one other group had the big cats all to our selves.  It was very cool.  {You can hear one of our aides telling the students that they were too loud so that is why the lion was making that noise....ha!}

{3}  We had pirate day on Wednesday.  Here arrrrrgh a couple pics.  ;)

{4}  This pile is going to be my end of year gifts to my students.  I am working on them today and I hope to post about it before the weekend is over.

{5}  This past weekend my mom, grandma, grandpa, stepdad, and niece came to visit to see my son's soccer game and to visit for my birthday.  I love them all, but I was most excited to see this cutie pie.

I just don't get to see her enough.  Now that it is almost summer vacation I plan on getting down to visit her as much as I can as well as my baby nephew.  I think being an aunt is like the best thing ever!!! :)

Hope you all have a great three-day weekend!  I plan on relaxing and getting some quality time with my kiddos!!


  1. Your pirates are adorable! Happy summer to you!
    Funky First Grade Fun

  2. Love the Pirate outfits! I wish our kids were allowed to dress up for things, but we're a uniform school and our Principal doesn't let us do anything like that! :-(

    I'm so jealous that you only have 1 day left! We still have 7. But I'm ok with it, because I'm not ready to let my students go!

    Blooming In First

  3. I have 12 days left and have just begun my assessing!!!!! Yikes! We're having a Pirate Day too and I have to find a striped shirt like yours! Argggggh! I'm getting our kindergarten graduation invitations ready this weekend but can't wait to see what you do with all those goodies for your goodbye gift! I need to get started on our goodbye treat too! Happy weekend!

  4. Can't wait to see your end of the year gifts. I haven't made up my mind yet what I'm going to do. I'd better soon, we only have 4 more days!


  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE you as a Pirate! Happy almost summer to you! I am right behind ya with only 5 school days left to go! YAY!
    Happy Memorial Day!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

  6. Love your pirate outfit!! We are having Pirate Day in a few weeks...I need to find an eye patch :) Enjoy your last day of school!!

    A Sunny Day in First Grade

  7. Ugh 23 more days here... Enjoy your last week of school!
    Primary Buzz

  8. Happy last week! Your little niece is a cutie pie!

  9. Check out that lion! aww... just a big kitten (that could rip your face off) lol.... I enjoyed looking through your blog!
    Happy summer!
    Whimsy Workshop 

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