Bright Idea for the End of the Day

Are looking for a bright idea for ending your day in a positive way?  Look no further!

Doesn't it always seem like we are rushing at the end of the day trying to get our students out the door?  We want to make every second count and therefore end up rushing to get those kids out the door.

I always want my students to leave school on a positive note (even if we are rushing).  A few years ago, I decided I needed something in order to make this happen.

Now, at the end of the day we have a very clear routine:  we put on our backpacks and coats, we put our crayon boxes on our chairs, then we wait until we are dismissed to come say our goodbye to Mrs. Pauley.

When the students are called to be dismissed (car riders, walkers, etc.), I am always standing at the door.  Before the students can leave for the day they give me two thumbs up and say, "I'm smart and I know it!"

It doesn't matter what happened during the day, the students always say this to me.  Then we do a thumbs up style fist bump.

(Sorry it was really hard to get a picture of our "bump")

I reply to the students with something like "Yes, you are" or "Have a good weekend".  No matter what I say I always SMILE!  I want my students to understand that no matter what happened during the day, tomorrow starts a new one which means starting fresh.

What do you do at the end of your day to end on a positive note?  I would love to hear in the comments below.

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  1. Very cute! We have a tight schedule at the end of the day and are usually busy packing up the room until the very last second! This is a great way to end on a positive note right at the door though.

    Teaching In A Nutshell

  2. Such a great idea! It's so important to stay positive and to SMILE :)
    Fun in Room 4B
